Thursday, December 26, 2019

Polygamy A Socially Sanctioned Marriage - 1234 Words

Marriage is a publicly sanctioned union between two or more individuals. Marriage can be defined by how many people are involved, their sex and the roles they carry on. Polygamy is a well-known type of marriage and can be found in today’s society. Polygamy is a culturally sanctioned marriage involving more than two people. Most Americans today are used to monogamy, which is believed to be the traditional form of marriage between two individuals. Many Americans think that the majority of marriages practice monogamy but, studies show that polygamy outnumber monogamous cultures, therefore there are more marriages that practice polygamy than monogamy (Grabianowski). Polygamy can differ in many different cultures. In the Islamic tradition a†¦show more content†¦For example, Oprah did an interview with a wife in a polygamist relationship, in the interview Valerie stated, We have had jealousies and there have been those times and we can t sugarcoat it and say that, Oh, it s so perfect and we love it and we love everyone. You know, we all have our hard times just like any other people†¦ We have a really good system where we work together with one another† (Ling). This shows that jealousy plays a huge role in polygamist marriages. To avoid complications many polygamist families, create a schedule to regulate which nights the husband sleeps and spends time with each wife. A polygamous family can create and unusual environment for children to be raised in. It could influence them to be in a polygamous relationship as well as expect men to be dominate in their future relationship. Being raised in a polygamous family can also create insecurities and conflict with females as they are exposed to it daily from their mothers. Polygamy in the United States is illegal in all states including Utah where most polygamists are located. â€Å"Few polygamists try to legally marry more than one wife. They may marry other wives in church ceremonies, but no marriage license exists† (Grabianowski). Because of the strict laws against polygamy, polygamist make sure that they do not officially marry more than one wife at a time. They usually marry and then divorce all but one wife and continue living and sleeping with them all. In the interview withShow MoreRelatedIslam Is A Religion Based On The Interpretation And Application Of Fundamental Scriptures2330 Words   |  10 Pagestheir movement by highlighting their rights and freedoms within Islamic scripture. 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In this term paper we have gone through different articles, journals and research papers. 1.2 Objectives of the Study The principle objective of the study is to know the effect of divorce in the children. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: 1. To assess of marriage in our society. 2. Effect of marriage in the society. 3. To investigate divorce cases to find out the reason behind this. 4. Effect of marriage in the children. 1.3Read MoreMarriage Is The Foundation Of A Civilized Society Essay3333 Words   |  14 PagesMarriage is the foundation of a civilized society. The relation once formed, the law step in and binds the parties to various obligations and liabilities arising therefrom. Marriage is an institution in the maintenance of which the public is very interested. It is the foundation of the family and in turn society, without which no civilization can exist. 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LAND HOLDING The case of land holding is one of the cruxes in which local government through bye-laws and traditional rulers through customary laws have been made to resent each other the most. This is as a result of the inconsistent provisionsRead MoreSocial Institution3293 Words   |  14 PagesCharacteristics †¢ Purposive †¢ Relatively permanent in their content †¢ Structured †¢ A unified structure †¢ Necessarily value-laden An institution is a relatively permanent structure of social patterns, roles, and relations that people enact in certain sanctioned and unified ways for the purpose of satisfying basic social needs. Functions †¢ Simplify social behaviors for the individual person †¢ Provide ready-made forms of social relations and social roles for the individual †¢ Act as agencies of coordinationRead MoreEarly Marriage9846 Words   |  40 PagesEarly Marriage in South Asia A DISCUSSION PAPER Contents INTRODUCTION 2 THE PREVALENCE OF EARLY MARRIAGE 3 CAUSES OF EARLY MARRIAGE 5 CONSEQUENCES OF EARLY MARRIAGE 8 RESPONSES TO EARLY MARRIAGE OF CHILDREN 16 Introduction Early marriage affects millions of children through the world. It is widely practiced in the countries of South Asia where every year millions of girls-preteens and teens- become the wives of older men. Young girls are marriedRead MoreMarriage12231 Words   |  49 PagesAND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION Marriage is one of the deepest and most complex involvements of human relationships. It is a corner stone of society and a very necessary part of the social system. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What Is Human Resource PlanningIdentify Its Objectives in...

IS A process by which an organisation ensures that it has the right number kind of people at the right place and at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that help the organisation achieve its overall objectives.. ADVANTAGES OF HR PLANNING Importance of HR PLANNING †¢ 1) Each Organisation needs personnel with necessary qualifications, skills, knowledge, experience aptitude . †¢ 2) Need for Replacement of Personnel - Replacing old, retired or disabled personnel. †¢ 3) Meet manpower shortages due to labour turnover †¢ 4) Meet needs of expansion / downsizing programmes †¢ 5) Cater to Future Personnel Needs †¢ 6) Nature of present workforce in relation with†¦show more content†¦These sources must consider not only the nature and conditions of the external labor market, but also the presence of qualified personnel who are available to fill vacancies through internal promotions or transfers. Keep in mind the recruitment activities is integrated with diversity and equal employment opportunity initiatives. Staffing needs must be anticipated sufficiently in advance to permit the recruitment and development of fully qualified personnel. Anticipating manpower problems by projectingï€ ªÃ¯â‚¬ ª present resources into the future and comparing them with the forecast of requirements to determine their adequacy, both quantitatively and qualitatively; Planning the necessary programmes of requirement,ï€ ªÃ¯â‚¬ ª selection, training, development, utilization, transfer, promotion, motivation and compensation to ensure that future manpower requirements are properly met. **It’s a systematic approach. because it ensures a continuous and proper staffing. It avoids or checks on occupational imbalances (shortage or surplus) occurring in any of the department of the organization. **There is a visible continuity in the process. **There is a certain degree of flexibility. That is, it is subject to modifications according to needs of the organization or the changing circumstances. Manpower plans can be done at micro or the macro levels depending upon various environmental factors. â€Å" HRP is aShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Planning : An Important Area Of The Organisation1241 Words   |  5 Pages Strategic human resource management Assignment 2 Name: Muhammad Zakaullah khan Completed: 30/08/15 Student id number: 144014 Lecturer’s name: DAVID Greenshields Human resource planning is an important area of the organisation which deals with all primary activities and its identifies the current and future needs of organisation. It includes hiring, firing, managing, training, developing and rewarding people within the organisation. 2.1: Analyse the business factorsRead MoreArik Air Hr Problem : The Employment Problem Essay1032 Words   |  5 Pagesresentment, laxity at their job performance and even aggressive industrial action. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Explain why the Grand Alliance was so solid in 194 Essay Example For Students

Explain why the Grand Alliance was so solid in 194 Essay 5but had fallen apart by 1949 W. PattenTo find the cause of the USA- USSR mistrust, you must first look atthe beliefs and aims of the USSR and the USA. The USSR was a Communistcountry ruled by a dictator who cared very little about human rights. TheUSA was a capitalist democracy, which valued freedom. Stalin wantedreparations from Germany, and a buffer of friendly states. Britain and theUSA wanted to help Germany recover, and to prevent large areas of Europefrom coming under Communist control. The USSR did not trust Britain andthe USA because they had tried to destroy the Russian Revolution in 1918,and Stalin thought that they had not helped the USSR enough in World WarTwo. Britain and the USA did not trust the USSR because Stalin had signedthe Nazi- Soviet Pact in 1939. After World War Two, in the period from 1945 1948, there was a listof nine events which caused the USSR- USA relations to deteriorate. Firstly, the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Motivation Evaluation

The basic understanding, as far as motives are concerned, points to the fact that a motive results from an internal state arousing and directing behaviors to a given specific goal. This could also be as a result of a deficit and will differ in terms of types and amount. Most importantly motives will drive people to think, act and view matters with the aim of satisfying a need. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation Evaluation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Motives are the core driving forces behind the things the people do in their day to day lifestyle and they have their basis on needs. Needs are generally the levels of tension present in somebody which reduce after the needs are provided for. An American psychologist by the name Henry Murray proposed the personality theory (Murray, 1940). The needs were ordered in accordance to people’s needs, motives. According to Murray (1940) a need is a readin ess to respond accordingly in varied circumstances. He stated that each kind of need relates with an intention, emotions, and actions and are always described by names of different traits. Every person has a different kind of need which is affected by their immediate environmental factors. These types of needs are grouped into two broad groups, that is, primary and secondary. They are farther categorized into twenty four which totally vary with personalities. These, he further grouped under ambition needs, power needs, affection needs, materialistic needs and information needs. Each need is independently vital but Murray asserts that they are interrelated. One of the main factors that affect the psychogenic needs relates to the individual’s environment which dictates an individual’s behavior ((Murray, 1940). People tend to have varied motives for the actions they carry out or the behavior they exhibit. Three views of motivation namely psychoanalytical, humanistic and diversity can assist us in evaluating motivation in persons (McClelland, 1984). The psychoanalytical view covers the aspects relating to determinism, drive, conflict and the unconscious. Those things that we seemingly have little control over often correlate with the concept of determinism. The drive pushes us to carry out the basic instincts. The humanistic view of motivation points at fulfilling the basic human or natural instincts. This will cover needs such as affection and materialistic. Diversity view as a concept of motivation covers the various motivations types which result in different goals (Mc Adams, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Martin Luther King who had a realistic outlook on life was counted as one of the great reformists of our time. In the eyes of those who knew him, King is described as a dependable, solid and reliable person among many other description s (King, 1959). This perception was as a result of King’s motivation in addressing the needs in his life probably power and ambition needs. This could very well be according to the psychoanalytical view of motivation. King is described as having a strong drive in that when he had a purpose, he was fixed and immovable. A diversity view of King’s motivation points to the fact that he showed a serious and subtle ambition perhaps partly aimed at addressing his ambition needs and yet still aimed at achieving materialistic accomplishments. Racism during King’s days shaped what motivated him according to the psychoanalytical view (King, 1959). Martin Luther King appeared to invest a lot in terms of his world position and contribution to the society. This enables us to understand the humanistic and diversity views of motivation in King. King’s motivation drove him to assume more responsibility in whichever circumstance he was in than anyone else. According to the diversity view of motivation Martin Luther King would set goals often sacrificing family and personal ambitions to achieve these goals. King was known for his faithfulness, persistence, patience and diligence (King, 1959). A diversity view of motivation points out the fact that King was a realist and pragmatic in his approaches. King considered the final gauging of any fact to be its importance practically. From the humanistic view of motivation, King was attracted to studying foreign culture and his overseas traveling helped him to expand his perception while widening his intellectual scope of the world. Being the revolutionist he was King had a mind that was so philosophical and always concerned with answering great questions that met his zeal for information. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation Evaluation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Subtly King’s penetrating perception into peopleâ₠¬â„¢s lives and a keen attention for the unseen and unspoken reveals the unconscious element of the psychoanalytical view of King’s motivation. For one to be able to effectively analyze motivation, he should understand the personality profile of an individual at the level of dispositional traits, life history and the adaptations characteristically (King, 1959). References King, M.L. (1959). The Measure of a Man. Philadelphia: The Christian Education Press. Mc Adams, D.P. (2005). The Person: A New Introduction to Personality Psychology. (4th Ed.). New York: Wiley. McClelland, C. D. (1984). Motives, Personality and Society: Selected Papers (Centennial psychology series). (1st Ed.). New York: Praeger Publishers Inc. Murray, H. A. (1940). What should psychologists do about psychoanalysis? Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 2, (35), 150–175. This essay on Motivation Evaluation was written and submitted by user Brayan M. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


JEAN PAUL SARTRE SHORT BIOGRAPHY Essays - Philosophy, Atheism JEAN PAUL SARTRE SHORT BIOGRAPHY Jean-Paul Sartre Author, Philosopher, Journalist, Screenwriter, Activist, Literary Critic, Playwright, Academic (1905-1980) Jean-Paul Sartre was a 20th century intellectual, writer and activist who put forth pioneering ideas on existentialism QUOTES "All human actions are equivalent and all are on principle doomed to failure." Jean-Paul Sartre Synopsis Born on June 21, 1905, in Paris, France, Jean-Paul Sartre was a pioneering intellectual and proponent of existentialism who championed leftist causes in France and other countries. He wrote a number of books, including the highly influential Being and Nothingness , and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1964, though he turned it down. He had a relationship with noted intellectual Simone de Beauvoir. Early Life Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre was the only child of Jean-Baptiste Sartre, a naval officer, and Anne-Marie Schweitzer. Sartre lost his father in infancy. After her husband's death, Anne-Marie moved back to her parents' house in Meudon to raise her son. As a young man, Sartre became interested in philosophy after reading Henri Bergson's essay "Time and Free Will." He earned a doctorate in philosophy in Paris at the Ecole Normale Superieure , absorbing ideas from Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Husserl and Heidegger, among others. In 1929 at the Ecole Normale , he met Simone de Beauvoir, a student at the Sorbonne who went on to become a celebrated philosopher, writer and feminist. The two became lifelong companions, though they were not monogamous. Sartre and de Beauvoir, a feminist and philosopher, challenged the cultural and social expectations of their respective "bourgeois" backgrounds. The conflict between oppressive conformity and authenticity, which the pair openly addressed and confronted in their personal lives, became the dominant theme of Sartre's early career. World War II and Politics In 1939, Sartre was drafted into the French army, where he served as a meteorologist. He was captured by German troops in 1940 and spent nine months as a prisoner of war. Given civilian status in 1941, he was able to secure a teaching position at Lycee Pasteur, outside of Paris. Upon returning to the city, Sartre participated with a number of other writers in the founding of the underground group Socialisme et Liberte . The group soon dissolved, and Sartre decided to write rather than participating in active resistance. Within a short time, he published Being and Nothingness , The Flies and No Exit , the existentialist works that would make him a household name. Sartre drew directly from his wartime experience in his work. After the liberation of Paris, he wrote Anti-Semite and Jew , in which he attempted to explain the concept of hatred by analyzing anti-Semitism. Sartre prized his role as a public intellectual. After World War II, he emerged as a politically engaged activist. He was an outspoken opponent of French rule in Algeria. He embraced Marxism and visited Cuba, meeting with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. He opposed the Vietnam War and participated in a tribunal intended to expose U.S. war crimes in 1967. Sartre also continued to write. His major publication after 1955, the Critique de la raison dialectique ( Critique of Dialectical Reason), appeared in 1960. Later Life and Death In 1964, Sartre renounced literature in an account of the first 10 years of his life. Literature, he explained, functioned ultimately as a bourgeois substitute for real commitment in the world. In October 1964, Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He declined the prize, becoming the first Nobel Laureate to do so. Sartre's principled mode of living involved few possessions. He remained actively committed to humanitarian and political causes until the end of his life, including participation in the Paris demonstrations of 1968. Sartre's physical condition deteriorated in the 1970s, and he became almost completely blind in 1973. He died in Paris on April 15, 1980, from pulmonary edema. Jean-Paul Sartre is buried at Montparnasse Cemetery; he shares a grave with life-long partner Simone de Beauvoir.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Criminal Profiling of a Serial Killer essays

Criminal Profiling of a Serial Killer essays Sad and horrific events happen all over the world, all the time. Robberies, hate crimes, killings, and vandalism are to name a few. The truth is that people are murdered every day. This is a sad fact, but it is life. Friends kill friends, students kill students, even husbands kill wives. Serial killers and mass murderers are all throughout America, as well as other countries all over the world. Its hard to imagine any human being wanting to kill another person. There are many kinds of killers, and they fall into different groups by their criminal profiles. The criminal profile of a serial killer falls under many categories and has different characteristics than those of other murderers. First it is important to know some background information on the investigative technique more known as criminal profiling. It is hard to say whom exactly developed a criminal profile. It depends on what literature your information comes from. According to, psychologists and psychiatrists would often provide advice to police agencies as to the type of criminal they should seek for, as well as why the criminal intended to carry out the crime(Petherick). Origins of the FBI profiling unit can go back to two men who first began profiling, Howard Tetan and Pat Mullany(Petherick). Again, depending on the literature one reads, the development of the criminal profiling over the past several decades usually will be attributed to the Behavioral Sciences Unit at the FBI Academy(Petherick). Some common names of professional criminal profilers are John Douglas, Robert Ressler, and Roy Hazelwood. Criminal profiling methods are not all the same, it depends on the person ar ranging the profile as well as the crime. The FBIs method compares the behavior of the current offender with the offenders the profiler has done in the past(Petherick). When John Douglas first began to come up with his profiles, he already had a p...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Controversial Planning Decisions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Controversial Planning Decisions - Case Study Example This shift has created tremendous ramifications for the governance of environmental matters. In this new philosophy, governance of environmental matters is reconceptualised in terms of ‘networks’ and ‘associations’ with which the government has to parley, so as to be effective and gain the favour and support of the citizens and the related stakeholders. As a result, planning decisions made by the government without consulting the relevant stakeholders and policymakers are considered controversial regardless of their intended objectives (Newig and Fritsch, 2009). This system of governance is usually very problematic because even though the government is required by law to make the public and the relevant stakeholders and policymakers aware of its objectives to review their development plans and consult using conferences and documented avenue, citizen and stakeholder involvement in planning decisions pertaining to the environment remains negligible (Callanan, 2005; Flynn, 2003) In the contemporary world, planning decisions pertaining to the environment are accompanied by a myriad of controversial issues. Controversial issues pertaining to environmental planning decisions usually revolve around fairness, ethics, and the manner in which evidence is used in coming up with environmental decisions and regulations. In the UK, current controversial environmental planning decisions manifest themselves in two events which are going to be critically examined in this paper. The first event is the decision, which was made by the UK’s Secretary of State, declared that thirty two hectares of an ancient woodland be wiped out to enable the expansion of an existing rag-stone mine. . The second thing is the revelations that were identified in a meeting that was held by representatives from the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development to deliberate on issues pertaining to environmentally sustainable development.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discuss the various reactions that the Choragos and Chorus undergo Essay

Discuss the various reactions that the Choragos and Chorus undergo throughout the play at various key points in Oedipus Rex - Essay Example Character development through the first part of the play allows the writer to introduce desired qualities and attributed related to the role played by that character later. In this case, it makes it easier to develop and maintain a given theme within the major sections of the tragedy. Oedipus Rex Play comprise of categorized characters each assuming an inherent role in depicting an actual ancient Greek society. In this context, one character in the play is Chorus, also commonly referred to as Choragus in plural. Within the play, Chorus refers to a group of elders representing the voice of society in general. In the event of response and reactions, Chorus addresses the theatre as an individual. However, the voice of that individual incorporates responses of all the other elders making up that team. Chorus acts as the judge or a third party reflecting on developments taking place within the play (Ley 12). The group questions the moral and philosophical inclination of other characters i n the play. In addition, the group advice kings and other leaders in authority during decision making process. Chorus possesses theatrical freedom since their role as a group can operate both within and outside the plot’s boundaries. ... As stated earlier, Sophocles develops distinct character traits at the beginning of the play. The tragedy adopts and maintains these developed characters in creating defined and sustainable themes throughout the plot development. With respect to Chorus, the group reacts to plot subjects in an almost consistent manner. As representatives of the larger society, Chorus inclines their objective responses to desires of peace and stability within the subject society. Chorus vehemently disapproves actions of Antigone’s brother in their struggle for leadership positions. Within the first section of the play, Chorus reactions support Antigone’s actions and decisions. Creon, who was the King as this part of the play, gave a decree preventing any member of the kingdom from staging a burial ceremony for Polynices. According to the king, Polynices proved their disloyalty and betrayed the empire; hence does not deserve respect even at burial (Sophocles 201). At this section, Chorus r eacts to Creon’s decree by insinuating that the new king plans to abuse power. The group of elders emphasize on the importance of respecting the law of the land and those of gods by leaders. At the beginning, Chorus praises Creon and the Greek people at large on the manner in which man can achieve desired goals through concerted efforts. The group illustrates man’s ability by describing the manner in which Greek men tamed horses, snared birds and cross vast seas during winter (Sophocles 36). However, the tone of their ode changes towards the end of this first part. Chorus reacts by insinuating that man can misuse power in a manner likely to compromise law of gods and that of the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

English-language films Essay Example for Free

English-language films Essay 1. How are the pictures helpful in understanding the selection? 2. Why did the noise of the sonar speed up? 3. Why did the Titanic sink? 4. How were Frederick’s Fleet and Minnie Coutts alike? 5. If you wanted to prove the fact that over 1,500 people died out of the more than 2,300 people on board, what would you use to prove this? 6. What is the most likely reason the author wrote this selection? 7. The author uses figurative language, including comparing the ship to a â€Å"ghost from the ancient past,† saying the ship is â€Å"weeping great tears of rust,† and saying he felt as if he â€Å"had walked into a dream. † Why does he do this? 8. Tell how the author felt about seeing the Titanic. 9. Imagine that the author kept a journal. Write one or two sentences to tell what he might write after he came up from his first trip to the Titanic 1. How are the pictures helpful in understanding the selection? 2. Why did the noise of the sonar speed up? 3. Why did the Titanic sink? 4. How were Frederick’s Fleet and Minnie Coutts alike? 5. If you wanted to prove the fact that over 1,500 people died out of the more than 2,300 people on board, what would you use to prove this? 6. What is the most likely reason the author wrote this selection? 7. The author uses figurative language, including comparing the ship to a â€Å"ghost from the ancient past,† saying the ship is â€Å"weeping great tears of rust,† and saying he felt as if he â€Å"had walked into a dream.† Why does he do this? 8. Tell how the author felt about seeing the Titanic. 9. Imagine that the author kept a journal. Write one or two sentences to tell what he might write after he came up from his first trip to the Titanic

Friday, November 15, 2019

Racism and Identity Hand in Hand Essay --

In society, there are many misconceptions in terms of racism. According to the merriam-webster dictionary, racism is define the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others . Many people would agree with that definition. What is racism? The normal person if asked will simply reply, not liking someone for the color of their skin. Racism from my attitude which is substantiated by historical events is a system of power .Therefore is a system of power that is used to control the world and its people. Racism was employed by Europeans to subjugate and discriminate against other groups, in particular Africans/black people. It is also a power which ran through a systemic way to hinder and sabotage other groups. The system is so elaborate that it almost seems nonexistent on a systematic level. Hence, this is why many people do not think it exists anymore. Racism is pervasive in society and remains a silent code which has a profound effect society. Ralph Ellison author of the award-winning novel , Invisible Man deals with racism and how it effect an individual .I would analyze racism and display how it effect ones identity . Vocabulary, defines identity as an individual characteristic by which a thing or person is recognized or known. In other words it is how one views, look, sees and defines themselves. Many people identity are influenced by religion, environment, parents, culture, gender, teachers and textbooks. Media also can play a role in shaping one’s identity. This can include internet, news, movies, radio and etc. One’s identity can be shaped by many different things or experiences. The things that shaped my identity are family, race... ...e.. Fanon's work displays that double consciousness is also a condition of colonized people. ‘Black Skin, White Mask’’ documentary states the reaction of racism between black and white arise when the white become aware that one is attracted to black something. Something blacks meaning a black person. In conclusion racism appears in the field of vision. In summary, Racism influences ones (blacks) identity. This has a negative effect in the Black community .Often blacks looks thru the eyes of a white person to feel in power which lead to double conciseness. The Invisible Man story makes the reader, well at least in my case draw upon times in which I have indirectly experienced racism and lack of self-esteem. However, I know that by definition of racism I am affected by its global and local systematic approach to keep me and those who resemble me, subjugated.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Different Approaches To Management

Management was influenced by various disciplines like sociology, economics, political science, anthropology, psychology, and even literature. Due to such multidisciplinary influences, even authors like Harold Koontz (1961) referred to management as a ‘jungle’. Even then, differences exist in the classification of approaches. Although one of the ways to classify management approaches is from the analysis of John G.Hutchinson (1971), which considers the development of management from five different perspectives, the history of management can be broadly classified into three groups: (1) the classical approach, (2) the neo-classical approach, and (3) the modern approach. The classical approach has conventionally implied traditionally accepted views. This approach emphasizes organizational efficiency to increase organizational success. It believes in functional interrelationships, following of certain principles based on experience, a bureaucratic structure, and a reward-puni shment nexus.The classical school of thought developed in three different directions: the scientific management approach, the administrative approach, and the bureaucratic approach, which also falls under the administrative school of thought. The bureaucratic approach was pioneered by Weber (1920), the scientific management approach by Taylor (1903), and the concept of administrative theory by Fayol (1949). The neo-classical approach /Behavioral approach emphasized human relations, the importance of the person behind the machine, individual as well as group relationships, and social aspects.This approach was pioneered by Mayo and his associates (1933). It was further extended to the behavioral sciences approach, pioneered by Abraham Maslow (1968, 1971), Chris Argyris (1957), Douglas McGregor (1960), and Rensis Likert (1961). The quantitative approach (which developed during World War II and believes in economic effectiveness to solve business problems) and the contingency approach ( which discards the concept of universality and determines managerial decisions by considering situational factors) also form a part of the neo-classical approach.Modern management thought combines concepts of the classical school with social and natural sciences. It basically emerged from systems analysis. Even though most discussions on the evolution of management thought start with the classical approach, a brief acknowledgement of the contributions of the pre-classical theorists is useful to appreciate the process of development in management thought. A list of the contributions by pre-classical theorists has been provided in Table 1. 1. Table 1. 1 Contributions of Pre-classical Theorists Contributor Pioneering ideas Robert Owen (1771–1858)He is considered to be a pioneer of the human resource management process. He advocated the necessity of concern for the welfare of workers. Charles Babbage (1792–1871) As an inventor and a management scientist, he built the pract ical mechanical calculator, which is considered to be the basis of the modern computer. He also advocated the idea of specialization of mental work and suggested the necessity of profit sharing. Andrew Ure and Charles Duplin (1778–1857) They emphasized the necessity of management education, which further paved the way to professionalize management functions.Henry Robinson Towne (1844–1924) He emphasized the significance of skills in running a business. Reviewing the contributions of the pre-classical theorists, it is clear that their focus was more on developing some specific techniques to solve some identified problems. Due to their obvious technical background, they could not think of management as a separate field. By and large, they integrated management with their respective areas of specialization. Andrew Ure, Charles Duplin, and Henry Robinson Towne largely laid the foundation of management theory, which has ultimately shaped modern management thought.Classical School of Thought This school of thought is divided into two approaches—the scientific school and the administrative school. The theorists of this school laid down the foundation of managing an organization in accordance with certain principles. In Table 1. 2, the contributions of each theorist have been highlighted. Scientific management Scientific management is a classical approach that emphasizes the Scientific study of work methods to improve efficiency of workers. Among all the contributors to this school of thought, the contribution of Taylor is thought to be the most important.Regarded as the father of Scientific management, Taylor developed specific principles for this field in 1911. He started his experiments with the concept of Scientific management in 1878 at Midvale Steel Co. During his days at Midvale, he saw that employees were ‘soldiering’, that is, deliberately working at a pace slower than one's capabilities. He concluded that workers indulged in ‘soldiering’ primarily for three reasons: (1) fear of losing their jobs if they increase their output, (2) faulty wage systems, and (3) outdated methods of working. Table 1. 2 Contributions of Classical Theorists Scientific managementFrederick W. Taylor (1856–1915) Development of Scientific management Frank B. and Lillian M. Gilbreth (1868–1972) Time and motion studies Henry L. Gantt (1861–1919) The Gantt chart Administrative theory Henri Fayol (1841–1925) General theory of management Max Weber (1864–1920) Rules of management For eliminating this problem, Taylor developed the principles of Scientific management, emphasizing five important issues: 1. Emphasize organized knowledge rather than rely on rule of thumb 2. Obtain harmony in group action 3. Achieve cooperation 4. Work for maximum output rather than restricted output 5.Develop the potential of the workers both for their self-development and organizational prosperity In essence, Taylor emphasized the following points to achieve organizational efficiency: Develop a Scientific way of performing jobs Train and develop the potential of the workers to perform the job Establish harmonious relations between management and workers In order to ensure that such objectives are achieved, Taylor suggested two important managerial practices: the piece-rate incentive system and time and motion study. The piece-rate incentive system rewards the worker who produces maximum output.Such an incentive system will motivate workers to work more to maximize their earnings. This system requires workers to perform at some pre-decided standard rate to earn their base wages. Standards are decided using time and motion study. If workers are able to produce more, then in addition to their base rate they get incentives on the number of excess units produced over and above the standard units. This serves the interest of workers as well as management—workers feel motivated to maxim ize their earnings, while management gets the benefit of increased productivity.Time and motion study, as already pointed out, facilitates the determination of the standard time required for performing a job. Time study helps in the determination of time required, duly defining the art of recording, analyzing, and synthesizing the time elements of each operation. Motion study, on the other hand, involves study of movements in doing a job in parts. It eliminates wasteful movements and retains only the necessary ones. Thus, it makes a job simple, easier, and better. Taylor developed the time and motion study concepts in association with Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.Like Taylor, Frank Gilbreth is also known as the father of motion study. Lillian Gilbreth conducted research on motion studies. Both of them explored ways of reducing fatigue. They had classified seventeen basic hand motions including search, select, position, and hold, which they called ‘therbligs’ (Gilbreth spe lled backward with ‘th’ treated as one letter). Their approach helps us to analyze the exact elements of a worker's hand movements. A simple modification of a brick-laying approach, following the Gilbreths’ studies, helped to increase hourly output from 120 bricks to 350.Henry Laurence Gantt also worked as a close associate of Taylor at Midvale and subsequently at Bethlehem Steel. His contributions to the Scientific management school of thought are the task and bonus system and a chart commonly known as the Gantt chart, developed in the years 1910–1915. As per his incentive plan, workers receive their day wages even when they do not perform their complete job. On the other hand, they get a bonus when they take less than the normal standard time to complete the work. It was further recommended that there be payment of bonus to foremen as well, based on the incremental performance of workers.The Gantt chart is used for production planning to compare actual a nd planned performances. It is a visual device for production control, indicating progress of production in terms of time rather than quantity. In fact, the programme evaluation and review technique (PERT) concept was subsequently developed based on the Gantt chart. In Chapter 7, the Gantt chart has been illustrated in detail. Some of the drawbacks of scientific management are: The basic principles of scientific management revolve around operations problems and do not focus on managerial issues, essential for managing an organization.That is why it is often said that it is more focused on engineering than on management. The assumptions of this theory about people in general are that they are rational and primarily driven by their desire to fulfill material gains. Only the economic and physical needs of people are emphasized, to the exclusion of their social needs. This theory also ignores the human desire for job satisfaction. Administrative theory Administrative theory, another par t of the classical school of thought, focuses on principles to coordinate the internal activities in an organization.General theory of management The French industrialist Fayol, through his pioneering work General and Industrial Management published in English in 1949, explained that satisfactory results can be achieved with scientific forecasting and proper methods of management. At the outset, Fayol classified the business operations of an organization into six activities and then outlined 14 principles of management. The six activities are: 1. Technical: It is concerned with production and manufacturing. 2. Commercial: It includes all activities related to buying, selling, and exchange. 3. Financial: It ensures optimal use of capital.4. Security: It ensures the protection of employees and property. 5. Accounting: It is concerned with costs, profits and liabilities, maintaining balance sheets, and compiling statistics. 6. Managerial: It is a functional approach to management and i s concerned with planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. After detailing all these activities, Fayol primarily focused on the managerial activities and outlined 14 principles to achieve efficiency. These 14 principles are as follows: 1. Division of labor: If people are specialized at their work, they can perform their task better.This principle recommends grouping of people as per their area of specialization. The modern assembly-line concept is an outcome of division of labor. 2. Authority: Managers must have authority to get things done. Yet, formal authority alone may not help to compel obedience from subordinates; managers must have the expertise to exert personal authority. 3. Discipline: People working in an organization need to comply with rules and agreements that govern the organization. Without discipline, results cannot be achieved. Strong discipline and leadership are inter-connected and these can together create an environment of positive work c ulture.4. Unity of command: Members in an organization must receive instructions from only one person. Conflict will arise when one receives orders and instructions from multiple managers. Therefore, the reporting relationship of one subordinate should be with one superior. 5. Unity of direction: All operations in an organization need to be directed towards one objective. Without this, achievement of goals cannot be ensured. 6. Subordination of individual interest to the common good: The interests of an individual employee should not take precedence over the interests of the organization as a whole. 7.Remuneration: It should be fair to both employees and employers. 8. Centralization: Centralization reduces the role of the subordinates in decision making, while decentralization enhances it. Managers should retain responsibility through centralization but at the same time give their subordinates enough authority to do their jobs properly. 9. Hierarchy: There should be a line of author ity, illustrated in the form of an organization chart clearly showing the structure of authority from the top management to employees down the line. 10. Order: People and materials should be in the right place at the right time.Job allocation to people should be made in a way that suits them. 11. Equity: Managers should be fair to their subordinates. 12. Stability of staff: Employee turnover should be less to ensure efficiency of an organization. 13. Initiative: Subordinates should have the freedom to conceive new ideas and do their task, even though they may commit mistakes. 14. Esprit de corps: Team spirit should be promoted to develop a culture of unity in the organization. Use of verbal communication instead of formal written communication, wherever possible, may help in developing the team spirit in an organization.Bureaucratic theory The bureaucratic theory pioneered by Weber (1920), which falls under the administrative school of thought, emphasizes authority structures and de scription of an organization based on the authority relations. According to Weber, ‘a bureaucracy is highly structured, formalized, and impersonal organization’. In fact, he has advocated the necessity of a formal organization structure with set rules and regulations. The characteristics of a bureaucratic organization as described by Weber are shown in Table 1. 3.Bureaucracy is often misunderstood as being a web of red tape and too many rules. However, Weber's concept is intended to remove ambiguity, inefficiencies, and patronage. Criticism of the classical school of thought Behavioral theorists criticized the classical theorists on a number of grounds. First of all, management principles are not universally applicable in today's complex business situation. Some principles of Fayol are also contradictory, for example, the principle of specialization contradicts the principle of unity of command.Similarly, Weber's bureaucracy also takes away the individual's creativity a nd flexibility, and dissuades them from responding to a complex situation in a global environment. Further, classical theorists also ignored the important aspects of organizational behaviour. These theories do not deal with the problems of leadership, motivation, power, or informal relations. They also fail to consider the internal and external environmental forces affecting an organization. These stress the necessity of achieving productivity, more than anything else. Neo-classical School of ThoughtThis school of thought, which was a transitional phase, basically emphasized human relations. Table 1. 3 Characteristics of Bureaucratic Theory Characteristics Description Specialization of labor Jobs are broken down into routine, well-defined tasks so that members of the organization know what is expected from them and they can become competent enough to do a particular subset of tasks. Formal rules and procedures Written rules and procedures should specify the desired behaviors from me mbers of the organization, facilitate coordination, and ensure uniformity. ImpersonalityRules, procedures, and sanctions should be applied uniformly regardless of individuals. Well-defined hierarchy Multiple levels of positions must be designed carefully keeping in mind the reporting relationships among levels. This should provide for supervision, handling of exceptions, and ability to establish accountability of actions. Career advancement based on merit Selection and promotions should be based on the qualifications and performance of members. Behavioral theories The behavioral school of management emphasizes the human element in an organization, duly recognizing its importance.It puts more stress on individual attitudes and behaviors and on group processes. The major contributors to this school of thought are named inTable 1. 4. Mary Parker Follet was the pioneer of the behavioural approach to management. She recognized the significance of the human element and attributed greater significance to the functioning of groups in the workplace. According to Follet, the critical role of managers should be to bring constructive change in the organization, following the principle of ‘power with’ rather than ‘power over’.She clarified that power should not be based on hierarchical levels but should be collectively developed, fostering a cooperative concept, involving superiors and subordinates, and finally working together as a team. Hence, the need is for more power sharing. Organizations need to become democratic to accommodate employees and managers. People will work harder when the organization recognizes the individual's motivating desires. Table 1. 4 Major Contributors to the Behavioral School Contributors Contributions Mary Parker Follet (1868–1933)Elton Mayo (1880–1949) Abraham Maslow (1808–1970) Douglas McGregor (1906–64) Group influences in the workplace Effect of human motivation on productivity and outp ut Relates human motivation to a hierarchy of needs Emphasizes human characteristics—theory X and theory Y—and the corresponding style of leadership Chris Argyris (1923–present) Human and organizational development—model I and model II While Follet was the pioneer of the behavioural approach to management, it is Elton Mayo who is recognized as the father of the human relations approach.Mayo and his associates conducted their study at Western Electric's Hawthorne Plant between 1927 and 1932, to evaluate the attitudes and psychological reactions of workers in on-the-job situations. Their experiments were carried out in four phases: (1) illumination experiments (2) relay assembly test room experiments, (3) interview phase, and (4) bank wiring observation room experiment. Illumination experiments These experiments took place initially between 1924 and 1927, in Hawthorne Plant of Western Electric Company and involved industrial engineers of the same company.Th e experiments involved manipulation of illumination for one group of workers (test group) and comparing their performance and productivity with another group for whom illumination was not manipulated (control group). In the first spell of experiment, for the test group (for whom the illumination was manipulated) performance and productivity improved. However, this did not last long. In fact, the control group's performance also rose in between with the alteration in lighting conditions for the test group, even though for the control group there was no change in the lighting conditions.With such contradictory results, researchers concluded that intensity of illumination was not related to productivity of workers. There had to be something besides illumination which influenced the performance of workers in Western Electric Company. Elton Mayo and his associates from Harvard University were involved at this point in conducting the subsequent phase of experiments. Relay assembly test ro om experiments This set of experiments was conducted under the guidance of Elton Mayo between 1927 and 1933. At this stage too, researchers were concerned about factors like working hours, working conditions, refreshments, and temperatures.To start with, the researchers selected six women employees of the relay assembly test room. Their jobs were to assemble relay (a small device) using thirty-five spare parts. Selected women employees (samples) were put in a separate room and briefed about the experiments. In the test room, a number of variables were altered, for example, increased wages and rest period, shortened workday and workweek, etc. In addition, the sample workers were given the freedom to leave their workstation without permission and were also given special attention. Productivity increased over the study period.Such results led the researchers to believe that better treatment of subordinates made them more productive. They highlighted the significance of social relations . Finally, the researchers were convinced that workers would perform better if management looked after their welfare and supervisors paid special attention to them. This condition was later labelled as the Hawthorne effect. Interview phase In this phase of the experiments, about 21,000 people were interviewed over three years between 1928 and 1930. The purpose of the interviews was to explore the attitudes of workers in depth.The conclusions that emerged were: A complaint is not necessarily an objective recital of facts; it may also reflect personal disturbance, the cause of which may be deep-rooted. All objects, persons, and events carry some social meaning. They relate to employees’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Workers’ personal situations are results of configurations of relationships, involving sentiments, desires, and interests. Such relational variables, when related to the worker's own past and present interpersonal relations, result in their personal situat ion.Workers assign meaning to their status in the organization and give value to events, objects, and specific features of their environment (hours of work, wages, etc. ). Workers derive satisfaction or dissatisfaction from the social status of an organization. This means that they also look for social rewards, associating them with an organization. Workers’ social demands are influenced by social experiences in groups, both inside and outside the workplace. Bank wiring observation room experiment This part of the Hawthorne experiments was conducted to test some of the ideas that the researchers formed during the interview phase.It was conducted between 1931 and 1932. In this experiment, there were fourteen participants (samples) including wire-men, solder men, and inspectors. There was no change in the physical working conditions. Sample workers were paid based on an incentive pay plan, relating their pay to output. They had the opportunity to earn more by increasing the out put. However, as the researchers observed, the output was constant at a certain level. Analysis of the results showed that the group encourages neither too much nor too little work. They enforce ‘a fair day's work’ on their own.Group norms, therefore, are more important to the worker than money. The study, thus, provided some insights into informal social relations within groups. The Hawthorne experiments, by focusing on the importance of human relations, contributed immensely to management theory. In the behavioural school of thought, other contributors like Abraham Maslow, Douglas McGregor, and Chris Argyris also left a significant impact. While Maslow focused on the importance of human needs, which are major driving forces for human motivation, McGregor made certain assumptions about people, categorizing them under theory X and theory Y.Theory X essentially represents a negative view about people, that is, people are lazy by nature, have little ambition, dislike work , avoid responsibility, and require direction to work. Theory Y, on the contrary, assumes that people are more positive, capable of self-control, innovative and creative, and they do not inherently dislike work. These theories have been further discussed in detail in Chapter 5. Chris Argyris's contributions to the behavioral school of thought are extremely important.His contributions comprise the maturity–immaturity theory, the integration of individual and organizational goals, and the patterns of model I and model II. According to the maturity–immaturity theory, people progress from a stage of immaturity and dependence to a state of maturity and independence. If organizations keep their employees in a dependent state, they allow them to remain immature and thereby prevent them from achieving their potential. Argyris further contended that a formal organization develops a rigid structure, compelling people to behave in an immature way. This leads to incongruencebetwee n the individual and organizational goals, hinders organizational development, leads to failure, and fosters frustration and conflict. People end up showing their aggression, regression, and suppression in various ways. Model I and model II patterns are two different assumptions. Workers in the model I type of organization are motivated by the desire to manipulate others and protect themselves from others. Workers in the model II type of organization are less manipulative and more willing to learn and take risks. Argyris, therefore, suggested that managers try to create a model II type of organization.Likert and Drucker have also contributed significantly to this school of thought. Likert attributes low productivity and poor morale of employees to a typical job-centred supervision technique. He has suggested some typical leadership styles to ensure better productivity and improved morale of workers. These have been discussed in detail in Chapter 6. Drucker, on the other hand, pionee red several modern management concepts in the fields of innovation, creativity, problem solving, organization design, and management by objectives (MBO).All his principles have been acknowledged and are referred to throughout this book. Criticism of the neo-classical school of thought Despite the brilliant contributions by the behavioral school of thought to the theories of management, it was criticized on the following grounds: It is believed that the procedures and analysis of the findings and the conclusions drawn thereon have little relevance. In fact, the conclusions are not supported by adequate evidence.The relationship between satisfaction of workers and productivity was established with simplistic assumptions, while in reality the situation is more complex due to behavioral phenomena. Further, all these studies failed to focus on the attitudes of workers, although attitudes play a crucial role in influencing workers’ performance and productivity. Modern Approaches So me modern approaches have played a significant role in the evolution of management theories, such as the quantitative school, the systems theory, and the contingency theory. The quantitative school of thought emerged during World War II.During the war, managers, government officials, and scientists were brought together to help the army to effectively utilize resources. These experts, using some earlier mathematical approaches to the concepts advocated by Taylor and Gantt, solved many logistic problems in the war. Subsequent to the war, such techniques were applied by many organizations to solve their business problems. This school of thought extensively utilizes statistics, optimization models, information models, and computer simulations for decision making and economic effectiveness to solve business problems.It has various branches, such as management science, operations management, and management information systems. The management science approach visualizes management as a lo gical entity, expressing management in terms of mathematical symbols, relationships, and measurement data. Also known as the operations research approach, it is applied in areas like capital budgeting and cash-flow management, production scheduling, product strategy development, human resource planning, and inventory management.Various mathematical tools like queuing theory, linear programming, PERT, CPM, decision theory, simulation, replacement, probability theory and sampling, time-series analysis, and index numbers are used to minimize the error in management decisions. The operations management approach is primarily concerned with production management and its related areas. In fact, it is difficult to draw a line between management science and operations management. Most of the mathematical tools mentioned earlier are used in operations management.Moreover, this approach also helps in decision making in other functional areas like finance, marketing, and human resource manageme nt. The management information systems approach focuses on designing and implementing computer-based information systems for use by management. It converts raw data into information inputs, which are subsequently used by management for decision making. Modern management information systems help in enterprise-wide decision making, integrating all functions of management.Enterprise-wide decision support systems (such as human resource information systems) are used for critical or strategically important decisions, as these provide valuable information inputs. An extension of the quantitative school of thought is the systems theory approach. This approach considers the organization as a whole because of the interdependent nature of activities, requiring the organization to interact with external environmental factors. In this competitive scenario,organizations cannot function in isolation. It has to operate in open systems, interacting with the environment.Whether it is new-product dev elopment or employee selection, the organization has to consider them as open systems, as its decisions are interrelated and interdependent with the environmental situation. Synergy is the phenomenon of open systems of management by which the total system is more than a simple sum of its parts. It means that if a manager effectively coordinates the efforts of related sub-systems, the result will be greater than the sum total of such independent efforts, that is, 2 + 2 will be greater than 4. The systems approach to management is also important because it helps in avoiding entropy.Entropy is a syndrome wherein systems and processes eventually decay. By relating the organization to the environment, following a systems approach, such a situation can be averted. The contingency theory approach discards the concept of universality in management principles and determines managerial decisions considering situational factors. The task of a manager, as per this theory, is to identify which t echniques will—in a particular situation, under particular circumstances, at a particular point of time—best contribute to achieving organizational goals.The theory contends that organizational phenomena exist in a logical pattern, which managers can understand gradually by interpreting various situations. They can thereby frame their managerial styles, which vary from situation to situation. The contingency theory and the systems theory are together classified as the integrative school of management thought because these two theories integrate the classical, behavioral, and quantitative theories into a framework that uses only the best of each approach in a given situation.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Goa A Paradise Essay

The tiny emerald land on the west coast of India is best known as a place of sandy beaches and parties. But far from the popular tourist hotspots, sandy beaches and loud parties – lush greenery, sparkling waterfalls and the calm of the countryside is the other face of Goa. Party all night long besides the beaches, getting tan and cocktails in the bright sun is what people generally understand from Goa. But for me the beauty of this city was just mesmerising. And it was the beauty of the crystal clear water or the beautiful canvas of Mother Nature that was calling on to me. It was peace and inner contentment which I witnessed in those beaches or taking strolls in the markets. For me to see the beauty of Goa one needs at least a week but the truth is even that week was not enough to incapacitate the stunning beauty of this city. The beaches of Goa are not just blue sea or sandy shores but the true beauty of the beaches is more to feel than to see with the naked eye. Aguada beach was the first beach which I had the opportunity to witness. Early in the morning with not much tourists or the local crowd this beach is the perfect place to relax and admire the breath taking beauty. As far as I could see I saw nothing but the giant ocean as if it was stretching out its arm, and wanted to hold sky into its bosoms. The sun rising from the edge of the sky marked a gold line that beautifully lit up the horizon. The rays of the sun turned the entire blue sky into shades of bright red and orange as if it was on fire. The rising sun was glorious and breath taking as it embarked on the fresh start of the day. The bright sun was nearly hot enough to cover me in an invisible blanket of warmth. The sunlight was glittering on every grain of sand lighting it up into tiny pieces of gold covering the land as far as your eyes can see. Hearing the sound of the waves felt as if god was playing musical symphonies on his piano. Each note would descend in such a beautiful way to give the other note a fresh start. The water was so blue as if a goddess had enwrapped herself in the beautiful symphonies played by her lover to form the drapes of her dress. Soothing, a gentle sea breeze rustles through your hair, softly whispering in your ears â€Å"come fly with me†. The location of this particular beach is so magnificent that no matter how bright or hot the sun is, the cool breeze flowing across would match up the temperature giving a perfect weather. As you walk along, you find gorgeous, shiny shells that have been washed into the shore by the rippling of the water. The warm, golden sand runs between your toes with the gentle breeze. Lying on the beach in the warm sand and looking up at the beauty of the vast canvas of nature even the naked eye is not enough to capture and understand. Vibrant yet soothing streaks of colour had filled the canvas of the sky. There were strokes of pink and orange that resembled the soft, supple skin of a perfectly ripened peach. Away from the city, the noise, the hectic schedule, the crowds, relaxing at the beach feels so calm and peaceful that no words can describe that joy. And where the time flew I had no idea. And soon it was time for sunset. The setting sun’s radiant face was mirrored by the shimmering clear blue waves of the sea which was framed by sloping land on either side, both of which were flourished with a palette of different bright shades of green, orange and purple. My ears were filled with the sweet joyous sounds of some children playing at a distance along with the humming of the birds and the sound of the rhythmic waves which created a melodic, soothing combination. Huddling into the exuberant verdure the beautiful waterfalls inland are like a sight of the paradise, watching them for hours will not be enough to satiate your desire to feast your eyes on that beauty of incredible merging of colours. There is no one on the beach. You are on your own in that Paradise corner – away from the noisy and hectic city. There are no crowds, no cars, no traffic jams. Being away from the boring routine, you feel calm and happy.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Appearance of Identity in Much Ado About Nothing Essays

The Appearance of Identity in Much Ado About Nothing Essays The Appearance of Identity in Much Ado About Nothing Paper The Appearance of Identity in Much Ado About Nothing Paper Essay Topic: Kindred Much Ado about Nothing An individual is often identified by his or her appearance, but what happens when an appearance can change so much so that it changes identity? William Shakespeare, above anyone, realized the connection between appearance and identity. As someone who went from being the son of a rural glover to frequenting the courts of Queen Elizabeth, and as someone whose career revolved around convincing others that actors on a stage could becomes kings and queens with a change in costume or shift in language, the world of his plays were the world of Renaissance England: a world in which the individual realized that his or her identity was dependent upon his or her appearance. In Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare applies the world of Renaissance England to Messina, Italy and with it the ability to defy social conventions as well as alter appearances to allow for the emergence of a new identity.Elizabethan England was a time and place in which people challenged social conventions to provide the o pportunity to assert their emerging individualism and Shakespeare applied this to his plays as well. In Much Ado About Nothing, the Prince’s bastard brother, Don John, proudly defies the traditional conventions of the court and develops an antisocial behavior and identity. He claims â€Å"I cannot hide what I am: I must be sad when I have cause and smile at no mans jests, eat when I have stomach and wait for no mans leisure, sleep when I am drowsy and tend on no mans business, laugh when I am merry and claw no man in his humour† (I.iii.10-14). Don John refuses to play the political games that his brother the Prince is adept in, and identifies himself as a self-sufficient man who will â€Å"wait for no man’s leisure† and â€Å"tend on no man’s business.† He further develops his independent identity and individualism through defying conventions by admitting that â€Å"though I cannot be said to be a flattering honest man, it must not be denie d but I am a plain-dealing villain† (I.iii.23-25). His admission of being a â€Å"plain-dealing villain† simultaneously defies the social standards of morality and asserts his identity as he adds, â€Å"in the meantime let me be that I am and seek not to alter me† (I.iii.28-29). Don John knows what he is and is comfortable establishing his identity as a villain. Like Don John, Beatrice is another character who defies convention and asserts her identity and individualism. When discussing with Leonato her vehement opposition to marriage, she exclaims, â€Å"No, uncle, Ill none: Adams sons are my brethren; and, truly, I hold it a sin to match in my kindred† (II.i.53-54). Beatrice not only denies a suggestion of marriage, a denial of convention in itself, she considers men her â€Å"brethren,† defying the social conventions of women in society and establishing an independent identity.In addition to asserting oneself through defying conventions, characte rs in Much Ado About Nothing are able to change their appearances, and thus change their identities in the process. Like the emergence of the individual in Renaissance England, Shakespeare’s Messina also allows people to be more than they appear. Before the return of the soldiers to Messina, a messenger tells Leonato about Claudio who â€Å"hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age, doing, in the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion† (I.i.11-12). Claudio’s ability to exceed expectations and more importantly, exceed the expectations of his appearance, helps to establish the play’s theme of the ability to appear one way and act another. For Hero however, appearance is the cause of the fall and subsequent rise of a new identity. At Claudio and Hero’s wedding, Claudio accuses her of infidelity crying out, â€Å"Out on thee, seeming! I will write against it. / You seem to me as Dian in her orb, / As chaste as is the bud ere it be blown. / But y ou are more intemperate in your blood / Than Venus, or those pampered animals / That rage in savage sensuality† (IV.i.54-59). All of his accusations are based on her â€Å"seeming† appearance and it is this new appearance that causes her identity to change from a virtuous and chaste maid to a now â€Å"intemperate† â€Å"animal.† Taking a cue from this case of mistaken identity, the Friar suggests that Hero willingly change her identity and says, â€Å"Let her a while be secretly kept in, / And publish it that she is dead indeed.† (IV.i.202-203). Hero’s identity is transformed from a living person to a dead body solely based on appearance. In true Renaissance fashion, however, a rebirth takes place when she is married a second time, and she herself claims, â€Å"Nothing certainer. / One Hero died defiled, but I do live, / And surely as I live, I am a maid† (V.iv.62-64). She admits that her former identity has died and she is now before them, reinvented with a new identity based on appearance.The strength of the ability for appearance to define identity is reinforced by the willingness of others to believe what they see. When Don Pedro offers to help Claudio woo Hero, he states, â€Å"I will assume thy part in some disguise, / And tell fair Hero I am Claudio† (I.i.269-270). Don Pedro helps to establish the theme that people can change appearances and in the process, change their identities knowing that others will trust them. The strongest evidence of this inherent trustworthiness in appearance occurs when Benedick is tricked into loving Beatrice based solely on what he sees and hears. The trust Benedick has in appearance is strongly established by his statement that â€Å"I should think this a gull, but that the white-bearded fellow speaks it. Knavery cannot, sure, hide himself in such reverence† (III.ii.110-112). The fact that Benedick relies on the appearance of Leonato’s â€Å"reverenceâ €  demonstrates his ability to allow outward appearance to hide Leonato’s true identity and Benedick falls for it, despite his own feeling that it is a trick. While this trustworthiness in appearances allows for the harmless tricking of Benedick, it takes a tragic turn in the tricking of Claudio. After he believes he sees Hero with another man, he asks, â€Å"Would you not swear, / All you that see her, that she were a maid, / By these exterior shows? But she is none. / She knows the heat of a luxurious bed. / Her blush is guiltiness, not modesty† (IV.i.36-40). Claudio’s trust in appearances is complete. Not only does he believe what he sees the night before, but now he is able to interpret her blushes as â€Å"guiltiness, not modesty.† Claudio is manipulated by the emergence of the individual through appearance as he is unable to see the blushes for what they are.At the end of Much Ado About Nothing, the trick involving the slander of Hero is revealed and Leonato asks, â€Å"Which is the villain? let me see his eyes, / That, when I note another man like him / I may avoid him: which of these is he? (V.i.243-245). Of course the irony is that if Leonato can’t tell which man is the villain, then how will he be able to tell when he sees another one? This is the inherent problem in Much Ado About Nothing and, consequently, in Shakespeare’s England. With the ability to change identities through appearance comes the problem of identifying when that change has occurred, which is exactly what Shakespeare was counting on.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Interlanguage Definition and Examples

Interlanguage Definition and Examples Interlanguage is the type of language or linguistic system used by second- and foreign-language learners who are in the process of learning a target language. Interlanguage pragmatics is the study of the ways non-native speakers acquire, comprehend, and use linguistic patterns or speech acts in a second language. Interlanguage theory is generally credited to Larry Selinker, an American professor of applied linguistics whose article Interlanguage appeared in the January 1972 issue of the journal International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. Examples and Observations [Interlanguage] reflects the learners evolving system of rules, and results from a variety of processes, including the influence of the first language (transfer), contrastive interference from the target language, and the overgeneralization of newly encountered rules. (David Crystal, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics) Fossilization The process of learning a second language (L2) is characteristically non-linear and fragmentary, marked by a mixed landscape of rapid progression in certain areas but slow movement, incubation, or even permanent stagnation in others. Such a process results in a linguistic system known as interlanguage (Selinker, 1972), which, to varying degrees, approximates that of the target language (TL). In the earliest conception (Corder, 1967; Nemser, 1971; Selinker, 1972), interlanguage is metaphorically a halfway house between the first language (L1) and the TL, hence inter. The L1 is purportedly the source language that provides the initial building materials to be gradually blended with materials taken from the TL, resulting in new forms that are neither in the L1 nor in the TL. This conception, though lacking in sophistication in the view of many contemporary L2 researchers, identifies a defining characteristic of L2 learning, initially known as fossilization (Selinker, 1972) and later on broadly referred to as incompleteness (Schachter, 1988, 1996), relative to the ideal version of a monolingual native speaker. It has been claimed that the notion of fossilization is what spurs the field of second language acquisition (SLA) into existence (Han and Selinker, 2005; Long, 2003). Thus, a fundamental concern in L2 research has been that learners typically stop short of target-like attainment, i.e., the monolingual native speakers competence, in some or all linguistic domains, even in environments where input seems abundant, motivation appears strong, and opportunity for communicative practice is plentiful. (ZhaoHong Han, Interlanguage and Fossilization: Towards an Analytic Model in Contemporary Applied Linguistics: Language Teaching and Learning) Universal Grammar A number of researchers pointed out quite early on the need to consider interlanguage grammars in their own right with respect to principles and parameters of U[niversal] G[rammar], arguing that one should not compare L2 learners to native speakers of the L2 but instead consider whether interlanguage grammars are natural language systems (e.g., duPlessis et al., 1987; Finer and Broselow, 1986; Liceras, 1983; Martohardjono and Gair, 1993; Schwartz and Sprouse, 1994; White, 1992b). These authors have shown that L2 learners may arrive at representations which indeed account for the L2 input, though not in the same way as the grammar of a native speaker. The issue, then, is whether the interlanguage representation is a possible grammar, not whether it is identical to the L2 grammar. (Lydia White, On the Nature of Interlanguage Representation in The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition) Psycholinguistics [T]he significance of interlanguage theory lies in the fact that it is the first attempt to take into account the possibility of learner conscious attempts to control their learning. It was this view that initiated an expansion of research into psychological processes in interlanguage development whose aim was to determine what learners do in order to help facilitate their own learning, i.e., which learning strategies they employ (Griffiths Parr, 2001). It seems, however, that the research of Selinkers learning strategies, with the exception of transfer, has not been taken up by other researchers. (ViÃ… ¡nja PaviÄ ić TakaÄ , Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Foreign Language Acquisition)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Apology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Apology - Essay Example like me, who, if I may use such a ludicrous figure of speech, am a sort of gadfly, given to the state by the god; and the state is like a great and noble steed who is tardy in his motions owing to his very size, and requires to be stirred into life (Plato, in McIntyre 20). In this statement, Socrates compares himself to a gadfly – a biting, noisy insect commonly found buzzing around and refers to the state as the horses. What Socrates meant by this is that his frequent questioning (or â€Å"biting†) is intended to wake the state up. For him, the people during that era were in an idle stage because they are just accepting the things that have been set for them by the previous generations, by the government, the rich and powerful, or by the church. Socrates does not want that. Socrates would like the people to wake up, ask questions that challenge their minds, like – Where are we from? Is there really a god? Why do we live? He wanted to bring the people to reality by taking them out of their ignorance. I think what Socrates feels is that ignorance is like a chain that restrains the people and the first way to make them free is to recognize that they still do not know everything. For Socrates, the â€Å"horses† (referred in his statement as the state) only looks at him as a â€Å"gadfly† or a nuisance. But what the people do not understand is that they actually in debt to him. For him, his questionings is like a service for the people. This is demonstrated by the lines in his passage: Socrates sees himself as a catalyst whose purpose is to formulate questions to irritate a person’s minds. Socrates understands that this is the foundation of progress and change. He asked questions and attempted to find answers for them; questions that lead to another questions; questions that probably made the citizens annoyed of him; questions that reduced the nobles and the most powerful into blubbering idiots (Ober â€Å"Socrates† 11). I daresay that you may feel irritated at

Friday, November 1, 2019

German Development issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

German Development issue - Essay Example Indeed, Germany had openly supported the employment and financial reforms that were introduced in the meeting actually aimed to deal with monster rising unemployment and credit issues. â€Å"Unions were however heartened by the fact that German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who met a trade union delegation in Toronto on 26 June, supported trade union demands to reference the recent G20 Labour Ministers meeting in Washington in the final statement, and said that Germany stood ready to host a further G20 Labour Ministerial during the next year† (ITUC, 2010). The above is the evidence that German government authorities are eager to cooperate and coordinate with various trade unions and worker unions so that they could negotiate to reach a consensus for welfare and well – being of employees. Indeed, the meeting with Labor ministers of G – 20 nations would enable the concerned authorities to define the present state of labor market and to discuss possible measures for further improvement. Germany has also endorsed the idea of enhancing mutual macroeconomic cooperation and collaboration with other G – 20 member countries to successfully implement the new reforms that would help avert global financial crisis in future. Indeed, there is dire need to implement this framework to ensure survival, growth and sustainability of financial and economic institutions across developed and developing nations. Germany supported the idea to repair existing international financial system in the light of suggestions from authentic financial institutions such as IMF and the World Bank. For instance, there has been immediate need to develop a relatively flexible financial system that will help ‘reducing systematic risk and moral hazards’. As a result, the probability that the world may face another credit crisis in future could be reduced. (OECD,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Organizational Structure of Different Types of Companies Essay

Organizational Structure of Different Types of Companies - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that organizational structure has to be appropriately aligned with organization strategies and also has to be implemented together in strategy formulation as well as implementation by focusing on five core areas. These five core areas are strategy implementation; strategic change; human resources and strategy implementation; strategy and structure; and incentives and controls. Strategy implementation model assists in adapting to change through improving one particular model of objectives, controls, structures, mechanism, integration and also incentives for implementing company’s strategy. On the other hand, strategic change helps to understand the implementation stages. This will help the hierarchy in understanding who in the organization supports the change or who are against it and which way to conquer the change resistance, these all are understandable in strategic change. Human Resources and Strategy Implementation consists of HR g uidelines with strategy completion needs. Strategy and Structure is a vital tool for knowing how strategy concerns structure as well as how the decision of structure includes efficiency as well as effectiveness. Lastly, Incentives and Controls are creating some pathways to motivate and also control the performance of achieving a successful coordination. Global companies structure their activities keeping in mind a need for venturing into a foreign land. Therefore, they have to be flexible in their organizational structure as doing business in the different country has with different requirements so they have to be prepared accordingly. Although working in different countries of the world gives them advantages from the economic point of view as they can go for economies of scale in their production system and also save on actions like R&D, marketing, finance, and operations are accomplished which might not be obtainable to the domestic companies.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Intelligence led policing Essay Example for Free

Intelligence led policing Essay The terrorist attacks of September 2001 had several governments taken aback of their incapacity to detect and prevent crimes of such magnitude. The United State’s Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, for example, have been working extra hard to detect and thwart such mishaps now and in the future. In order to realize this, most aspects of national security have been reviewed by various governments around the world (Wisler and Onwudiwe, 2009). One of these aspects is intelligence improvement and use for both internal and international security. Of most importance is internal security, given the fact that crimes such as international terror are planned and carried out by deterrents that are already living among us. Because the police have the mandate to provide internal security, they require effective intelligence to enable them to collect and act on any information related to looming attacks and dangers. Apart from intelligence led policing, there are numerous other types of policing. However, the main ones are: knowledge-based policing, problem based policing and community policing. For any crime type to be bunged, the intelligence used by police ought to be based on all possibly available information and data, collected and thoroughly evaluated. Intelligence has been defined in multiple ways. For the sake of this discussion, we will settle on a single definition: it is collecting data and information precisely touching on crime, analyzing and drawing conclusions on it. Therefore, intelligence is not any kind of information but that which has been studied and quality conclusions made on it. Intelligence can then be used to inform any concerned decision maker of the several available choices. The security personnel of any department, either the police or the military, can then draw on the analyzed findings to carry out their duties of preventing and stopping crimes by strategizing and laying good plans on how to achieve their set objectives. Intelligence led policing is a structured method of collecting, analyzing and evaluating data and information related to crime. The analyzed information is then used to guide the institutions which enforce law in determining their actions. It was first used in the United Kingdom in 1990 and later received a huge acceptance in the United States after the 2001 terrorist attacks. The Kent police in the UK used this kind of policing on car stealing, home breaks and certain types of crimes which were then considered high priority. The world’s governments later decided to use this method alongside others to curb international crime especially terrorism and to react effectively to simpler crimes at the domestic front (Wisler and Onwudiwe, 2009). The problem based policing is broad in its coverage bearing its stand on the notion that other types of policing are not committed to solving the basic criminal acts. While it concentrates on crimes that need the attention of the police and that it handles other issues other than implementing crime prevention programs, is not able to cover all sorts of crimes. On the other hand Public policing usually focus on a single type of crime for example street gangs only. It is normally used when certain crimes occur and their area of operation is the streets. It is also effective in the sense that the time, when the required information is obtained and when action is taken on it, is relatively short. Its mainstay is to deter and disable unlawful trends. Criminals are also profiled to help in analysis. Finally, its approach involves the use of tour of duty personnel, strategic divisions and detectives.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

As I Lay Dying: Styles Used By William Faulkner :: essays research papers

As I Lay Dying: Styles Used By William Faulkner -Darl's Section (p.128) Most authors have certain styles that result in bringing across certain ideas. In As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner uses a subtle and discreet narrative manner to bring forth important pieces of information that adds to the story, and important themes. In one of the chapters narrated by Darl, this is shown very well In this chapter Darl uses a flashback to let us get a more in-depth look at the Bundren family; to let us see why it is so "dysfunctional." In this chapter we learn more about the relationships within the family, and more about Addie, about whom we previously have not learned much. We see how keen Darl's sense of intuition is, and we learn an important family secret. Darl is often used as an objective speaker, although he is indeed involved with the situation he is speaking about. In this chapter he recalls Jewel's purchase of his horse. This is a strong clue that Jewel is not Anse's son, since Anse is extremely lazy and would never work as hard as Jewel did for a horse. We also see the tension between Anse and Jewel. We see the lack of respect Jewel has for Anse. It is rather ironic when Anse says "He's just lazy, trying me" (p. 129) Since Jewel has been working really hard, and it is Anse who is lazy. Furthering on Jewel and Anse's relationship, I feel that it is fairly evident that Jewel knows that Anse is not his father. This is illustrated in the following section on page 136: "Jewel looked at Pa, his eyes paler than ever. 'He won't never eat a mouthful of yours' he said. 'Not a mouthful. I'll kill him first. Don't you never think it. Don't you never.' "The antagonism Jewel holds toward Anse is enormous, and this scene intensifies it showing that Jewel knows the truth or at least has a fair idea. We also see that Darl knows, and how he knows. At the end of the chapter, he sees his mother crying over Jewel when he is sleeping. He could see her anguish and almost feel it. His empathy and intuition led him to discovering the truth, and he also confirms his knowledge of Dewey Dell's pregnancy. We see the strength of his intuition and how it affects the rest of the family. The fact that Darl knows probably heightens the rivalry between the two brothers. In this chapter we see the way the family was before Addie's death and