Friday, February 21, 2020

Health issues(snoking) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Health issues(snoking) - Essay Example They can make big changes in the body and can terribly affect the health of a person. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4000 poisonous chemicals including nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, tar, ammonia, metals, and various radio active compounds. Smoking increases the heart rate of the smoker and can increase the blood pressure also (Gould 2000). Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide which will block the necessary oxygen to the body tissues. Tobacco companies add ammonia into cigarettes which makes the brain absorb nicotine more vigorously than how it normally absorbs. Additives in the cigarettes increase the ‘free’ nicotine level of the cigarette which will enhance the addictive nature of the nicotine (Eysenck 1999). Smoking tobacco, whatever form it may appear (cigarettes, pipes or cigars), invites emphysema, lung cancers and similar respiratory sicknesses. The reason for almost 90 percent of lung cancer cases is nothing but smoking. Emphysema is a lung disease which is caused by chronic smoking. Stomach ulcers as well as acid reflux can also appear in smokers. Smoking will decay and stain teeth also. Tobacco also makes mouth and gum cancers. Smoking can be a reason for bad breath also. Smoking habit can make the charm of the face diminish and will invite wrinkles in the skin. Lips can turn black by chronic smoking habits. Chronic smoking habit also brings money and time loss. Smokers will have poor athletic ability compared to others. Smoking by pregnant women causes terrible consequences in newborn ladies (Oaks 2001). Babies born from smoking ladies will have various health problems including insufficient weight and asthma problems (Hoeger & Hoeger  2005). Smoking also results in heart dise ases (Bennett 1993). One of the most common problems associated with smokers is respiratory problem. Passive smokers also experience similar health problems as smokers do. Kids who are exposed to smoking will have ear infections and are

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Psychology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Psychology - Research Paper Example With regard to these chapters, this paper assesses the role played by nature in a child’s development. Many scholars argue that genetics determine human development (Kendra 2). Genes determine heredity and every individual has genes from his or her parents- mother and father. These genes are responsible for determining characteristics such as skin colour, height, weight and the colour of one’s hair. They also determine how a person acquires cognitive skills as well as directing the mental processes and physical features. Genes are passed from one generation to another. The two main types of genes-dominant and recessive, determine a child’s physical look. They also influence the rate at which a child grows (Gilbert 22). Therefore, children may start doing some activities earlier than others depending on their genetic characteristics. For instance, some can begin sitting without assistance by the age of 6 months. This may be delayed or may come early in other children. Genes are also responsible for genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and cerebral palsy (Kendra 7). If a parent has such disorders, they are likely to pass them onto their children who will also do the same to the future generations. However, the environment under which a child grows also largely determines the physical and biological development of a child (Berger 50). A foetus that is exposed to chemicals and pollutants develops in a different manner compared to one that develops in a clean womb (Kendra 9). For example, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome caused by exposure of a foetus to alcohol while in the womb leads to physical as well as cognitive malfunctions. Nutrition influences physical and social development (Gilbert 41). A well fed child grows up to be healthy and enjoys all childhood activities. On the contrary, a poorly fed child is weak and may not enjoy what other children do since play and learning is hindered by malnutrition.